Managed Services

Field Work

Our Global Team of Dedicated IT Experts

Delivering Top-Notch Onsite and Remote Support

At Maintech, our strength lies in our extensive team of 1000 dedicated W-2 employees in the US and an equivalent workforce throughout EU, Asia, and the Middle East. With a vast pool of talent, we are well-equipped to provide comprehensive IT support to clients worldwide, ensuring that your current hardware and software are optimized and functional.

The Versatile Maintech Field Team

Level 1, Level 2, Project Managers, and Network Engineers

Our proficient field team is the backbone of our exceptional IT support services. Comprising skilled professionals, including Level 1 and Level 2 technicians, project managers, and network engineers, the Maintech field team serves as an extension of your IT department. Whether you require smart hands support, expert break-fix solutions, or assistance for your desktop users and corporate data centers, our field team is fully equipped to meet your specific needs.

Flexible Service Models to Suit Your Business

Prepaid Time Banks, Time and Materials, or Monthly Contracts

At Maintech, we believe in offering flexible service models that align with your business requirements. You have the option to choose from commercial models such as prepaid time banks, time and materials, or monthly minimum contracts. This flexibility ensures that you receive IT support tailored to your unique needs, without the hassle of hardware or software replacements.

Vast Partner Network for Expanded Coverage

Seamless Support Leveraging Trusted Partners

Maintech takes pride in its ability to deliver exceptional support by leveraging additional resources when needed. In areas where extended coverage is required, we tap into our vast and vetted partner network. Rest assured that any support received from our partners meets the same high standards of service that you expect from Maintech.

Onsite and Remote Support - A Holistic Approach

Maximizing Efficiency, Minimizing Disruptions

At Maintech, we understand that every IT challenge demands a tailored approach. Whether you require onsite assistance or remote support, we adopt a holistic approach to ensure maximum efficiency and minimal disruptions. Our expert team seamlessly blends onsite and remote solutions to provide a comprehensive IT support experience.

When your IT challenges require hands-on assistance, our field team springs into action. From smart hands support, functioning as an extension of your IT teams, to expert break-fix solutions for desktop users and corporate data centers, we have the expertise to handle it all.

Where can you perform field services?

So, as usual, I tried to make the clone as easy as possible to be copied . Just copy the element named, 'Cloneable Area' and rename it or you can copy all the elements within that class.

Both question and answer are placed within the same row and container for easier management.

What level of skills your field technicians have?

The main interaction involved here is 'Mouse Click (Tap)' that create the animation for expand and collapse. It is targeting the main container of each row, so that user can click on anywhere within the row/container to expand or collapse an item.

Can your team do onsite project work?

Using the same interaction trigger as above, I created an animation to rotate and resize the icon to shape it from a plus to minus.

What commericla models do you support?

To make things a little livelier, I added a nice little touch up to the paragraph by creating a slide in animation from below. So, instead of being still upon expand, it will slide in from below nicely.

Can you do field work at a remote employees home?

Due to restrictions from our insurance company we are unable to do work in peoples homes.

Ready to Experience the Power of Maintech's IT Solutions?

Get in touch with us now to discuss how Maintech can transform your IT operations.